“There are invisible lines
connecting everything together,
and I am particularly fond of
the one that connects me to you.” -Brian Andreas
I realize that it’s June 3 and May is behind us…
Speaking of being behind, I dropped the ball in keeping up with my “month of mamas”, which is not surprising as I’ve been killing it over here, doing all the momming! LOL, as they say…
So, today I will talk about something that I don’t enjoy talking about: myself.
I’m a woman. I’m a photographer. I’m a creative. I’m a mom. I’m a daughter. I’m a wife. I’m a friend.
I try to do all these things and I don’t always do them well. Every day, my goal is to do better than the day before.
I have good days and great days and bad days and sad days.
My motivation to create is sometimes off the charts. Some days though, it is barely noticable.
The struggle is real…every day and in every way. But I wouldn’t change a thing…
Today, I celebrate the fact that I made it through the weekend on barely any sleep, shot a 10 hour wedding on Saturday, spent all day Sunday (11am-7pm) watching my boys play their sports ball of choice: T-ball & Baseball, respectively.
I celebrate the fact that, after that weekend, my entire family woke up at 7:45am (in a full blown panic) but I still made breakfasts (to go), lunches, and managed to send them out the door fully clothed and ready to kick ass (not literally, I hope).
After the morning chaos, I met with 1 of my partners at our new space and went over floor plans and general business stuff and I had tacos for lunch. #winning
How about you? Are you celebrating yourself today?