“Some people care too much. I think it's called love.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Last night, I went out with my friend, Cat. We had dinner at The Day Nursery.
The Day Nursery is a special place, for so many reasons. The friends we have met along the way are a big part of what makes it such a special place.
(For those who don't know, The Day Nursery is the preschool that Milo attends and Oliver attended.)
My friend, Cat, also has a son who attends. Our boys are great friends. We met when our boys were 2.5 and just starting out at the Day Nursery. Since that time, our families have taken camping trips together, gone trick or treating, dyed easter eggs, had countless play dates, family dinners, and even a couple of sleepovers.
So...you may be wondering..."why would you spend a coveted girl's night out, going to a preschool?"
And, I have a great answer for that...
One weekend a year, The Day Nursery is transformed into a fictional world from a children's book, and a magical meal is created by the amazing Melissa Elsmo. The execution of the event takes a team of people, who all volunteer their time to make it happen. This pop-up event raises funds that are crucial to The Day Nursery and the children who attend.
At last night's dinner, we were transported to the home of Winnie the Pooh, Hundred Acre Wood, and treated to an unbelievable feast. My words would do a disservice to it, so I will share some images. Full disclosure: As most of you know, I'm not a food photographer...so even my images won't do this meal justice. Trust me when I tell you that it was amazing!
Hey look! This blog was featured (in part) in Oak Park Eats!