“Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year.”
― Chad Sugg
Well, friends…here we are. We talk about it & wish it would arrive & then autumn is here & suddenly…we’re scrambling to do the things we’ve been so anxiously looking forward to.
Apple picking, pumpkin farms, sweater weather…all things I love about fall.
Rain, unpredictable weather shifts…not totally loving these things.
Today was especially tricky because we had wind gusts up to 22 mph. I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer not fight the wind during my family photo session.
Luckily, my clients are braver than I and and we took advantage of the beautiful sunshine and moderate temps.
It’s here, folks…welcome to fall in the midwest. Enjoy the sunshine when it comes out & invest in a cute sock hat (I like the Free People sock hats…they don’t pay me to say that).