“It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.”
-Alfred Eisenstaedt
One of the things I love most about my job is that I meet so many people. When I'm photographing families, If I'm doing a good job, I get to see many of them on a (fairly) regular basis. The better I know my clients, the easier my job becomes.
For headshot clients, I may not see them as often. But, if I'm doing a good job, I get a LOT of referrals. A LOT. My headshot clients are quickly gaining on my family clients!
(this is me, doing a happy dance!)
I think it is important to be tuned into what my client wants & needs from me, especially regarding headshots. It's not enough to sit them in front of my lens & release the shutter a few times, I want to know how they see themselves and get a feel for their comfort level. These photographs will represent them to potential employers, clients, etc and it's important that people feel good about how their headshot looks. It's crucial that they be comfortable.
Many times, I hear "You're the professional. You tell me what to do." While this is fair to say & I do plenty of guiding, I often don't REALLY know your quirks. So many people have a "good" side...did you know that? Do you have one? Take a quick scan of your photos (selfies count) & see if there is a pattern. If so, then you fall into the "good" side group.
This isn't a bad thing. In fact, this is great info to share with your photographer! This is information I can use!
I hope that my most recent headshot clients LOVE their portraits. I am always so thankful to be trusted with such an important & intimate job.