Spring has me feeling all the things...happy, giddy, nostalgic...the list goes on.
As is my Spring tradition, I begin purging "stuff", organizing and doing a variety of cleaning out projects. I long to be a minimalist, but it just isn't in my nature. I have a lot of "things" that I'm just not interested in parting with...yet.
In the meantime, I try to be as organized as is humanly possible. When you live in a small home with 3 other humans and a dog, this can be a challenge.
I love baskets & boxes of all types. Be they decorative or utilitarian, I've never met a container that I didn't love.
I've always been a fan of presenting items in the most thoughtful way possible. I have numerous pieces of my kids artwork on the refrigerator, but I also have several in frames, hanging on the wall. I believe that the presentation of things is important and can, at times, be transformational.
With organization & presentation in mind, I'm offering a spring photo booking incentive.
Book your full* session before May 1 and receive your image files via thumb drive in a keepsake print box (a $100 value).
the fine print: a full session is any regularly priced session that is 1 hour or longer. this offer does not apply to mini sessions or other discounted sessions. to book and hold your session, a retainer is required. a session is not considered booked until the retainer has been paid.