Building relationships with clients is so important. Not just for the obvious reasons such as repeat business and referrals, but also because both photographer & client get to know the other better. The more you learn about one another, the more comfortable & natural interactions become. Over time, sessions feel like less like a client/photographer exchange and more like a old friends catching up. I think this undoubtedly results in a more pleasant experience for everyone, especially the client. It's my job to meet new people, hit the ground running, and create images that people will cherish (if I get it right!). It's second nature, not to mention crucial to my work, for me to be able to jump right in. I know that it's not always as easy for clients, especially small children. I'm a stranger who is putting a huge camera in their face, while trying to get them to smile, look at the camera, etc. It's not a natural, normal situation for most people.
Needless to say, I love, love, love when someone, who I've previously worked with; contacts me to talk about booking another session! Not only is this a huge compliment, but hopefully it is the beginning of a relationship that will continue to grow...which brings me to a recent session...
I first photographed this lovely family in November. So, when this hard-working local mama reached out to discuss a 1 year session for her little girl, I was stoked. They braved the strange spring weather (in the low 40's) and we headed to the forest preserve. I'm still working on getting a smile from little C, but either way...she's adorable! By the end of our session, she was so cold that she could barely smash into her cake...she took one for the team though & ate a few handfuls...someone has to do it, right?
Here are a few sneaks...